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Kendra in Action

Rockford Diocese Presbyter's Day 2019


"Kendra Von Esh overflows with enthusiasm and passion as she tells of her recent conversion and reversion and immersion into the Catholic faith! Her joy is contagious."

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman (Fr. Rocky)

Executive Director / CEO of Relevant Radio

What Audiences Say About Kendra

"Kendra is a passionate and engaging speaker. Relevant Radio recently invited her to speak at our event to share her personal journey to the faith. It was apparent from the beginning of her presentation, Kendra’s professional background in the business world makes her comfortable speaking in front of large audiences. Soon, she had our listeners and supporters leaning forward in their chairs, hanging on every word of her story of conversion. By sharing the critical role Relevant Radio played in her faith journey, Kendra gave the audience that day an invested interest in her story. Suddenly, they became characters in her true tale of conversion."

"Storytelling is both an art and a science. The ability to tell great stories, especially true stories, is a gift. Kendra has that gift."

Michael Kendall

Chief Programming Officer, Relevant Radio

We were so blessed to have Kendra Von Esh at our parish this Lent. She gave a wonderful joy-filled witness that touched the hearts of my parishioners. Her zeal and energy are contagious. She reminded us of a basic truth, we lose nothing when we give our lives to Jesus Christ, in fact, He deeply enriches us.

Father Parker

Pastor of Holy Cross Church, Batavia

“It was a busy day, lots do to, checking off the list for the kids before Monday came back around. My 15 year old went to his confirmation class and I settled in to listen to what I thought was going to be "another boring speaker!" And then Kendra started talking! Kendra's ora sparkled! I was engaged the entire time she spoke. She shared a story that was REAL! Her story is real! And it connects to anyone attending. It was as though my guardian angel put me exactly where I needed to be to listen to her story! I am still moved by her talk! I grabbed her book and can’t wait to finish reading it. I am sharing it with my sisters and family. I needed this talk! Go now, do not hesitate, go see her speak, you will be glad you did!”

Isabelle Roiniotis

Mom, Wife and Restaurateur

“I had just completed Kendra’s amazing book when Holy Family announced she would be speaking on our campus.  Kendra brought her book to life and made me think about my spiritual life and how it has been neglected. She is an inspiring speaker and held the attention of the audience throughout.  I do believe she is going to be a role model for those of us working our way back to the Catholic Church and better serving our Lord.”

Tina Kaatz


We were so very blessed to have Kendra speak at Holy Cross—her authentic, honest and humorous testimonial was a beautiful inspiration of being open to God calling us in the midst of where we are. Her faith journey will resonate with many—those who grew up Catholic, who converted or have reverted, and those who are searching for truth.

Laura Kosmach

Holy Cross Church, Parish Secretary

"Though your presentation in its entirety was wonderful, the best part of the whole experience, for me, was your 'style,' which touched me to the soul. I thought "oh my gosh, I have found a person who I can completely relate to..."

Marie Sanderson

Parishioner, Holy Cross Church

Kendra's story is very moving and really speaks to so many of us who are lost in materialism and the great "rat race." She shows that Christ is really a way to be free in a world enslaved to materialism.

Father Richard Simon

Relevant Radio Host, Father Simon Says™

Having seen Kendra in hundreds of speaking engagements on stages both large and small, I can attest, if you want compelling audience experiences ... she delivers every time!

Tom Aitchison

Former EVP Global Sales, Coupa Software

"Kendra inspired our audience with her honest and powerful message about change, transformation, and faith at our Hack the Dream event on MLK Day. Kendra has such a relatable story of leading with compassion and speaks to our hearts as well as our heads as she tells the story of her career as a CIO and the uncharted journey ahead. We received so many thank yous from our audience for bringing such a grounding to the event and connecting the dots between who we are and what we do!"

Sandee Kastrul

President and Co-Founder, i.c. stars

“Listening to Kendra speak about her deepening relationship with God is like sitting down for a chat with a good friend over coffee. Kendra’s warm, welcoming personality and self-deprecating humor draw the listener in. Her honesty about the Holy Spirit’s work in her life reminds everyone that God also invites us to an ever-deeper relationship with him.”

Sue Green

LCMS Northern Illinois District, Mission Advocate

“Kendra Von Esh radiated the joy that comes only from knowing Jesus. She shared with transparency how her life before coming to faith was empty--even though she had the success and lifestyle the world tells us will make us happy. It was only when she accepted God's invitation to a real relationship with Him that she found joy. Kendra's presentation reminded me not to take my relationship with the Savior for granted and to share the joy!”

Sharla Fritz

Speaker and Author

“We all know someone who has fallen away or left the Catholic faith, and it hurts, especially when is it a family member. I attended Kendra’s talk at Holy Family Parish in Rockford. Kendra has a gift of inviting those “fallen away or don’t think they need God” back to table! Knowing it is their personal journey in faith, Kendra touches the hearts of those whose journey may be similar to her experience. She is real, frank, honest and totally “in” for Christ. I came away from her witness inspired to grow deeper in my Catholic faith.  Amen…Alleluia!”

Ellie Nelson

Co-Author of Light of the World Retreats (, NCCL Board Member (2015-2018), DRE-Saint Margaret Mary, Algonquin

“I believe Kendra was placed on my path by God. I had been praying for God to help me or send someone to help me with the questions I have been struggling with in regards to the church’s teachings and perspectives on a variety of topics. Many of those topics make me feel shame and like a hypocrite when I sit in the pews and take my children to church each week. Relaying this to Kendra, after her talk, she offered an opportunity to share answers she has found in her own search to understand the Catholic faith. I am looking forward to hearing what she has discovered, and I pray it can give me the peace I am longing to have.”  

Michelle Felauer

Cradle Catholic; Holy Family Parishioner

“Kendra captured the entire audience with her fascinating story. When she was lead back to confession after 26 years I wanted to clap but didn’t want to break her chain of thought. That was the Lord working to bring her back and she was open to hear His call. God bless her honesty and candor about her journey.”

Barb Beckett

DRE, Holy Family Church

“Kendra did a great job!  She hit a home run! I can see Kendra really touched a lot of hearts Saturday night at our Religious Education gathering.  Bringing back to church those fallen away Catholics is our top priority and Kendra certainly address that audience in a dynamic and engaging way.”

Reverend Phillip Kaim, S.T.L.

Holy Family Church

“Kendra's talk was so interesting and engaging! Her reversion to the faith is a testament to the Holy Spirit...He's got this! Keep praying for those that have fallen away and He'll find a way - even a most unexpected way - to bring them back!”

Allyson Svigelj

PR & Promotions Coordinator, St. Thomas

“Upon initially meeting Kendra Von Esh, I was drawn in by her enthusiasm and zeal for life. I was enticed and wanted to know her story. So I attended her Saint Thomas speaking event. I learned that this was due to a 180 turn back to the Church after attending Mass and seeking out a confession after 26 years. Her candor, about the effects of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, alone was enough to fill my heart with Hope. May God bless her work, and what God will do with her story.”

Mindy Strange

Wife and Mother

“Hearing Kendra speak was inspiring. Her story is one that I think we can all relate to. At some point in our lives we find that we are lost and are looking for something more. Often we expect some big sign from God to show us the way, but Kendra’s story of reversion shows that it's little things, the “God-Incidences” as Kendra often refers to them in her book. Kendra is proof that if we just learn to open our ears and recognize that God is speaking to us in these moments, we can all find our own path to God.”

Marilyn Wheadon

Wife and Mother

"Kendra brings a realistic and energetic viewpoint to rejuvenating your Catholic faith journey, especially for those of us who feel as though we are in a rut and need a booster shot to remember that we are not left to do this on our own.  Through her story we can relate to something similar in our own lives and see through the weeds as to how the Holy Spirit is working on us all.  Her book continues to point to Christ and the Holy Spirit's interventions and that He continues to meet us where we are.  She inspires us to continue on with our own journeys and to stay strong!"

Jennifer Schnepf

St. Mary Church Woodstock Adult Education Volunteer

Kendra delivered a heartwarming testimony of her awakening and longing to be closer to Christ amid the current of life and the waves of distractions which carried her away from the anchor of true happiness—being in the state of grace and leading a sacramental life. Thanking Relevant Radio’s donors for their contribution to outstanding programming, Kendra’s words were warm, welcoming, natural and inviting to anyone who longs for a deeper relationship with Christ. Kendra, you have many hearts to reach—Godspeed

Patti Lechner

Relevant Radio Luncheon Guest

Kendra is an authentic leader who understands that technology sales are not at all about the technology, rather the people. We relied on Kendra to represent our company and our solutions not only with clients but with analysts, the media and on the public stage. She has a way of making complex topics simple, even funny, and her audiences love her. I have every confidence that if she brings that same level of passion and energy to her next endeavor, she'll knock it out of the park.

Rob Bernshteyn

President and CEO, Coupa Software


Kendra Von Esh was an Executive in Corporate America for decades and has spoken on stages all over the world, both large and small. She is an engaging Speaker who empowers and inspires her audience to to "Find Something More."

Frequently Requested Topics

Events | Conferences | Retreats | Parish Missions | Men & Women Groups

Find Something More - A Testimony of Transformation and Grace
(Or Praise and Worship Retreat with Anna Nuzzo)

(Talk or Retreat w/Anna Nuzzo)

Praying for loved ones to come back to the Church? Don't lose HOPE!

Bring your friends and family for a lively, funny and heartfelt testimony from Kendra Von Esh, a former Corporate Executive who thought she had everything! 

Kendra bought into what this world said would make her happy - money, prestige, power and fell into the culture of 'me' ... Until God found her and flipped her reality upside down and transformed her life.

Her transformation was so miraculous she left her Executive Career to help others deepen their relationship with God and find TRUE acceptance, love, peace and joy.

Want more? How about music?

Anna Nuzzo enhances Kendra's talks with prayerful and inspiring music for Conferences, Parish Events, Retreats and Missions to touch your hearts with praise and worship.

Join Kendra as she shares how she finally found THE answer and her passion to help everyone Find Something More!

Find Joy in Prayer - Retreat/Mental Prayer Workshop

(Half Day Retreat - Mental Prayer Workshop)

Do you struggle with distraction during prayer? Are you inconsistent with prayer? But you desire to pray and hear God's voice and will?

Join Kendra as she guides you in a Catholic way to not only incorporate mental prayer into your daily life but find JOY in it.  Kendra shares Carmelite/Ignatius spiritual approaches, teachings from saints, exorcist priests and her own personal spiritual director in this engaging retreat that will deepen your relationship with God through prayer.

You will learn:

  • The difference between Mental Prayer/Christian Meditation and
    New Age Meditation/Mindfulness
  • The purpose and necessity of mental prayer
  • How to prepare for mental prayer
  • How to read scripture for your meditation
  • How to stay focused and fight distractions
  • How to hear God’s voice and your daily resolution
  • How to conclude and respond in your meditation
  • How to put it all together in practice

Kendra’s passion is to help others deepen their relationship with God and the beautiful Catholic Faith.  You will leave inspired to deepen your love affair with God.

Spiritual Warfare - How to Fight the Daily Battle

(Talk or *Retreat)

*Kendra is Certified in Unbound Ministry for Healing Prayers and Deliverance with a Catholic focus.

Kendra shares how she was violently spiritually attacked before she spoke to 160 priests at a Presbyter's Event. She was oppressed and obsessed all hours of the day and night. 

She wasn't sure what was happening and reached out to her Spiritual Director, a priest, who said, "You need deliverance!"

Kendra shares the emotional, spiritual and physical freedom she found through deliverance. She felt the spirits leave her body and soul! The peace and calmness that followed was supernatural...

She is passionate about sharing the weapons we must have in our arsenal and how to discern the spirits on the path to holiness. 

Come listen to Kendra's powerful testimony and leave armed to fight the spiritual battle! 

Addiction - My Miracle Healing

Kendra Von Esh had an addiction to marijuana that she hid for decades, even as an Executive in Corporate America.

Join Kendra as she shares her miraculous healing through her consecration to Jesus through Mary, the role God played in her falls and the ongoing temptations that ensued. 

Kendra's witness will fill your audience with hope as she shares  the importance of humility and the miraculous mercy of God.

Forgiveness - How To Forgive From The Heart

(Event Speech, Half Day Retreat or Parish Mission)

We all need forgiveness, but when it comes from God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation it is life changing!

Join Kendra as she shares the 'out of body' supernatural experience she received from God when she walked into the confessional after 26 years with MANY mortal sins on her soul. Kendra shares the graces she received on Divine Mercy Sunday and how this pivotal day catapulted her deep into the Faith. 

She opens her heart and her struggles to forgive herself and how surrendering to God was the only way to let go of her pain, shame and find true peace.

Many struggle to forgive others, especially family members. Kendra shares her story with a family member she harbored resentment toward for over 30 years. Through God's grace her heart changed and the hurt and disdain slowly disappeared. Her relationship was completely transformed while the family witnessed this miracle.

Leave inspired to indulge in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the humility to tap into God's grace so you, too, can be a forgiving and loving person to yourself and to others as God intended!

Clergy/Priest Event — A Woman's Need for Fatherly Spiritual Love and Guidance

(1-3 Hours)

Women are a special part of your flock and have unique needs -  so how do you best nurture them?

Bring Kendra to your Clergy Event to share her entertaining testimony and her desire for spiritual fatherly love and guidance from the Shepherds of the Church.

Having no spiritual male role models in her life, Kendra shares some heart-warming stories of how many priests and bishops have impacted her spiritual development.  

This is no lecture! Engage in a collaborative day of honest conversation to help you nurture women in your flock and ways to deepen their relationship with God.

Men’s Event—Male Spirituality from a Woman’s View

Looking for something different at your Men's event? 

Bring in Kendra to speak about how how male spirituality impacted her personal and professional life. 

Kendra was the keynote speaker at the Rockford Diocese Presbyter's meeting to 160 priest for 3 hours sharing the need for male spirituality and fatherly spiritual guidance in women's lives.

Kendra has shared her views at  events and as a guest on many radio shows, podcasts and TV programs such as Bear Woznick's Great Adventure. 

Men will leave inspired to live their faith openly with women of all ages and how they can positively impact their lives.

Business | Professionals | Universities |Youth Conferences

Live Your Purpose and Meaning - Conquer Self-Doubt and Fear

Kendra was always comparing herself to others and never measuring up. She felt in adequate in her personal life and even more so in the work place.

It was in the beginning of her faith journey when she began to understand her identity as a child of God and feel His love and acceptance for her. Kendra finally realized her true purpose and meaning, her God-given talents and the life He had planned for her and her alone!

Join Kendra Von Esh as she shares how she found courage from God to leave her Executive Career in Corporate America and follow her passion as Catholic Speaker, Author and Radio Host. She shares some practical ways to assess your calling in life while while being true to your faith and to love your "fearfully and wonderfully made" self.

Leave feeling armed with the courage to live your dreams and the sweet life God has planned for you and only you!

Lead with Compassion - Live Your Faith at Work

Are you unsure how to live your faith at work? Living your faith does not mean you whack people over the head with your bible, try to Catechize everyone and judge people because they persecute your beliefs. 

Kendra Von Esh, former Corporate Executive, shares how her faith transformed how she engaged with everyone at the office by her compassionate leadership style.

It starts with YOU.  Leadership happens at all levels and is a result of respect, forgiveness and compassion that is a gift given by God.

Leave inspired to change the way you interact, pray and surrender to God throughout your work day and watch the love and happiness of those you work bear fruit that will last.

No Sex? No Kidding!

Kendra lived a very promiscuous and sexually immoral life before God found her. She believed the lies of the world and fell into the hook-up-culture, pornography and self-gratification.

She struggled to accept the teachings of the Church, but once she did, it changed her soul forever. 

Kendra has a down-to-earth style that connects with the youth of today. Her authentic raw and emotional stories of her warped view of love and sex are relatable to everyone. Kendra opens her heart to her shame, regret, self-hatred and denial she felt living this way. 

When God led her identity as His child and to the true meaning of her body the fog of lies cleared and her soul was enlightened. Kendra weaves principles of Theology of the Body into her testimony. 

Your audience will leave changed. They will know their value, the gift of their body, respect for other's souls and the love of God. 

Customize or create something new to inspire your audience.

Contact Kendra today!