I thought I was living a happy, fulfilling life but in REALITY, I bought into the “me culture” and materialism. I never found peace, happiness or true love and acceptance. Then God found me and everything I believed was the purpose and meaning of my life turned upside down.
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I would love to come speak at your conference, association, men/women/youth event or parish!
I also lead retreats and parish missions – check out my website at https://kendravonesh.com/speaking/
Where are my upcoming events and media appearances?https://kendravonesh.com/events-media/
Check out my 10 minute daily inspirational podcast!https://realityreflections.com
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Your Miracle is Waiting for You!
Have a problem? Prayer is the answer...
I've collected a few prayers for the most common struggles we ALL face to get you started (or to help you enhance your current prayer practice).
Just enter your name and email address below to get your copy and begin to ask for your miracle.